(Open a new window and then split this one into two) If those commands would not open a new window, we'll be able to get the same experience through command composition. Subsequent new-tab commands will all open new tabs in the same window. Did you remember to drag the Styles pane so far to the left that it feels as if you are trying to drag it off the screen Stefan Blom. On my work, Windows Explorer can show preview of Microsoft Office documents using Windows Explorers preview panel (View > Press 'preview panel' icon and select a Microsoft Office file). On its first invocation, also opens a new window. Docking on the left certainly works for me in Word 2013. As you can see, the navigation pane has so much difference. Below is my screenshot and comparison picture I found online. It would be so much better if I can make it bigger. Close all instances of File Explorer and reopen. I have already tried the compact view setting but this is already the largest size I could get.

Close Preview Handler Association Editor. For example, select Microsoft Word Previewer. There's now no need to manually open any type of preview window.
Install this free app, and it integrates into File Explorer. Opens a new tab with the given customizations. The Registered Handlers dropdown box lists all the preview handlers registered on the computer. QuickLook QuickLook offers a cool and convenient way to display files. While this behavior is mentioned in the docs Open a new window an split the pane in this window into two. Additionally, if there is a build error or unresolved link, you can view the errors from this panel. A progress bar and percentage indicator in the bottom right corner of the panel will also display build progress.
Right now it looks like this: I want this (disregard the colors of course): I cannot figure out how to do it - been messing with this for a good 30 minutes now. Windows Terminal version (if applicable): Version: 0.9.433.0 The Doc-To-Help Build panel lets you view and troubleshoot build outputs directly from Word. 1 Basically I want to add Toolbox and SQL Server Object Explorer to my VS to be added to my left panel.