Critical role legend of vox machina tiberius
Critical role legend of vox machina tiberius

She returns (albeit played by Matt instead of Marisha) to help Bell's Hells deal with the aftermath of Laudna's death. In Campaign 3, her role is a little more plot-critical and longer in scope.There is a brief moment of shock before Keyleth runs to her mother, and the portal closes.

critical role legend of vox machina tiberius

After the Mighty Nein help Keyleth's mother Vilya recover her memories, they send her to Keyleth through a portal.

  • In Campaign 2, she returns for a brief cameo.
  • The Bus Came Back: Keyleth is the only player character in Critical Role who has appeared in some capacity in all three main campaigns.
  • She can also change into an Air Elemental.
  • Blow You Away: Her tribe is the Air Ashari, and she has strong spells that are associated with wind ( Wind Wall, Skywrite, Wind Walk, Gust, Whirlwind, etc.) as well.
  • Percy in particular scolds her for being unwilling to make a deal. Such as her resistance to making a bargain with the Clasp, who wanted Vox Machina to assist in opening up a branch of their clandestine business in Vasselheim in exchange for their assistance in keeping the people of Emon provided for and spying on Thordak, who razed Emon. Following this, Keyleth almost seems incapable of seeing any shade of moral gray.
  • Black-and-White Morality: After the events of Episode 25, Keyleth feels that all the things they did on that night were subtextually evil.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Keyleth is introverted, well-meaning and generally the most naïve of the bunch, but when she gets angry she shows it, usually with both her spells and her Wild Shape abilities.
  • critical role legend of vox machina tiberius

    Raishan also pushes hers by calling her a child. Berserk Button: Do not remind Keyleth that she's killed an innocent kid in her past.It took over twenty years and the intervention of another group of heroes, but in the end, Keyleth got her long-lost Missing Mom back.She is eventually reunited with Vax'ildan upon her death.Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason Keyleth started having feelings for Vax, as mentioned here during an episode of Talks Machina, was because he was the first person to stand up for her.

    critical role legend of vox machina tiberius

  • Badass in Distress: Despite her level of power, there have been times where she was on the verge of death, most notably in the Nine Hells.
  • She is given the Mantle of the Tempest in Episode 90 upon becoming the Voice of the Tempest.
  • It was later loaned to Kerrek, who did not return it and he has kept it since.
  • Briefly donned Vax's Cloak of Displacement in Episodes 54 and 55, and was given it to wear starting in Episode 70.
  • If not that, she's unleashing fierce elemental magic on large groups of enemies or transforming into mighty elementals. The next, she's transforming into a sabre-toothed cat and savagely biting a demon from hell.
  • Badass Adorable: One second, she's staging Be Our Guest with magical cutlery.
  • She is fortunately revived by Vex using a coin infused with Tary's Revivify.
  • Back from the Dead: She ends up dying instantly in Episode 97 after a reckless swan dive off a cliff.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: Keyleth is given the mantle of leadership and is ordained Voice of the Tempest and leader of the Air Ashari in Episode 90.
  • She turned into an earth elemental and effortlessly stomped them into paste.
  • Assassin Outclassin': In Campaign 3, Orym, an Air Ashari guard in Keyleth's service, tells his new traveling companions that mysterious assassins once infiltrated Zephrah and attempted to kill her.
  • Arch-Enemy: Considers Raishan to be hers.
  • And I'm sorry for being me and that it took me this long to say it.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: After 30 episodes of complications, missed opportunities, and much, much tragedy and anguish, Keyleth finally finds the courage to confess her feelings to Vax'ildan in Episode 65 upon realizing that her fears are purely based on an unwritten future, much to the relief and excitement of both the two of them and the fandom.
  • But as she is still new at relationships, she's still trying to figure things out about herself.
  • Ambiguously Bi: She is very much in love with Vax, but she's always had a bit of a fascination with Vex.
  • critical role legend of vox machina tiberius

    Also called "Kiki" by Vax'ildan starting in Episode 22, and eventually called as such sometimes by the rest of the party.Occasionally called "Your Highness" by Tiberius.During the battle that ensued, Keyleth drops drop a couple of orcs into said pit. Later on, she summons a pair of dryads to help Vox Machina fight some orcs, only for them to immediately fall into a pit. Accidental Murder: She accidentally killed a child pre-stream by playing tug-of-war over him with the Dread Emperor (resulting in the child suffering a Neck Snap), and she kills a dwarven prisoner because she carelessly picks him up in her jaws as a sabre-tooth tiger (without bothering to check to see if he's alive).

    Critical role legend of vox machina tiberius